Saturday, October 30, 2010
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Happy Fall!
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Pretty much a-m-a-z-i-n-g
Lauren is amazing. She is quite the cupcake baker and I am, once again, amazed at her cupcake skills! My church had a Golf Classic Tournament today and she made these golf cupcakes - so cute! Great job, Lauren! Keep up the great work!

Thursday, September 23, 2010
We didn't want to eat them, but we definitely wanted to see what the fortunes were...
Well, I've had more exciting ones before. You'd think that we'd get ONE exciting on out of SIX! Perhaps in our next hoarded bunch we will have more...;)
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Chair Socks
Thursday, September 2, 2010
My Thursday Evening
How special it was for Lexie to make Apple Crisp tonight! Mmmmm!
I hadn't had anything like this in years until this past Memorial Day when we were at a friends house. I've been dying to have it since! (though, my stomach says I really shouldn't...) :)
It sure was yummy goodness! Definitely a nice treat to help study. Thankful for a productive evening ... Happy Friday!
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Introducing Aria
Monday, August 30, 2010
So, next time you're choking or are planning to have a heart attack ... I can help! :-D I have photos to prove...
School is right around the corner!
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Children's Choir
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Wishing it was ...
I've seen quite a few blogs already posting about fall. Can I just say that I'm a bit jealous? It takes awhile to catch up to the fall season here in California - at least in my view. I miss the changing leaves...the cool crisp air...the smell...wearing jackets in September...making giant leaf piles in the yard and jumping in them...the list could go on. What do YOU love about fall?
Let me just say ... once it becomes September 22nd, my fall mat will be out and I will be burning a pumpkin candle whether or not it's 63 or 103 degrees outside. ;)
The second surprise isn't quite so happy ... entirely. We've had some "friends" visiting our school. I'm sure they're friendly things just wanting to greet the staff and children, but they really must move someplace else. Really. I heard he was caught and thrown into our emtpy [at the time] dumpster and couldn't resist taking a peek at the big guy ... ugly thing, isn't he?!
Sunday, August 22, 2010
The cutest niece and nephew EVER!

Saturday, August 21, 2010
I went camping with my friends, Lexie and Jenn - went went in Capitola, CA - beautiful! Can't wait to go again.
The next fun even was the circus! Our friends Josh and Ginny asked Lexie and I to go with them last summer ... it appears that we might make this tradition every August. :) Their son, Jack, is almost 3 yrs old and just raves about the circus. We've been talking about it since April - the very poster that he's holding is from April. lol! So cute. We had a fun time!
My pastor's wife, Sue and one of "my" teen girls, Lauren AND I took a day trip IKEA - how fun! Lauren had never been - I enjoyed seeing and hearing what she thought of it all. Couple of funnies ....
How about a Baptist menorah?
On the way home we passed by a car dealership ... um ... do YOU see anything wrong with this? Totally messed with my ocd.
I hope to be better at blogging these next few weeks. School IS around the corner ... we'll see how I keep up. :)
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Guess Where?
Peter Pan in San Fran
360 Building - amazing production!
Embarcadero - Pier 1 - all lit up at night - beautiful
Lexie was immitating Peter Pan...can you tell? :) My souvenir - I love my Peter Pan hoodie! :-D