Some of you may not know of my desire to go to Africa. It's grown stronger and stronger these past couple of years - I cannot wait to see how the Lord is going to work things out! I am in the process of contacting a couple of mission boards to see about a short-term opportunity next summer after school. (btw, I guess this could be a plug - if you have any suggestions or contacts, please let me know!) :)
ANYway...I came across this website and could NOT wait to participate! I showed it to Lexie and she wanted to make one too! We called Rachel - the lady who wrote the blog and organizes all the dresses to be sent to Africa - and asked what sizes were needed most. Size 2-4. Lexie made a size 4 and I was so excited to make a "baby" dress! I've never made anything so easy in my entire life. My thoughts kept going back to when I was in jr. high. I had taken a home-ec course and had to sew a little jumper - I just remember it being the hardest thing I'd EVER done "craft-wise". So glad this was easier! And the purpose made it so much more enjoyable. :) I wish I could see the children wearing heart aches for their needs. Such a small way to be able to meet a clothing need for a little girl. One last thing to ad - it was SO inexpensive! It cost about $3.00-$3.50 PER dress. Amazing. I plan to make more in the future. Here are some pictures of the process - we had a lot of fun working on the dresses together. Tomorrow, at church, I hope to try my little dress on a girl to see how it fits. I'll have to do another post update tomorrow afternoon.
These are so cute, Katie!